Contact Us

Welcome to the heart and soul of "kissmypassion." We're thrilled that you're here, and we'd love to hear from you! Whether you have a burning question, a fantastic idea, or just want to say hello, this is the spot where you can connect with us.

Our Quirky Headquarters

You can find us in the charming state of Minnesota, where our passion for fashion, beauty, and all things cheeky comes to life. Our headquarters might not have a neon sign proclaiming "kissmypassion" (though that would be cool!), but it's a place brimming with creativity and quirkiness.

Get in Touch

Feel free to reach out to us anytime. We're always excited to hear from fellow fashionistas, beauty buffs, adventurers, and positivity enthusiasts. Here's how you can connect with the "kissmypassion" crew:

  • Email Us: Drop us a line at We promise to reply as swiftly as a model's outfit change on the runway.

  • Social Media: You can find us on [your social media handles]. Join our vibrant online community for daily doses of fashion inspiration, beauty tips, quirky adventures, and more. Slide into our DMs, leave comments, or simply give us a virtual high-five!

Collaborations and Inquiries

Are you a brand or fellow blogger looking to collaborate with us? We're always open to exciting partnerships that align with our mission of celebrating individuality, quirkiness, and positivity. Reach out to us with your ideas, and let's create magic together!

Share Your Stories

We believe that life is a beautiful, messy, and hilarious journey. If you have a story of personal growth, an empowering experience, or a moment that made you embrace your uniqueness, we'd love to hear it. Your stories inspire us and our readers, and we'd be honored to feature them on "kissmypassion."

Just Wanna Chat?

Sometimes, you just want to share a funny anecdote, chat about your favorite lipstick shade, or discuss the quirkiest thing you've discovered recently. We're all ears! Send us your thoughts, and let's have a delightful conversation.

Feedback and Suggestions

Your feedback matters to us more than that perfectly brewed cup of coffee in the morning. If you have suggestions, ideas, or even constructive criticism to make "kissmypassion" even better, please don't hesitate to share. We're constantly evolving, just like fashion trends!

Stay Fabulous!

Thank you for being part of the "kissmypassion" family. Your support and engagement mean the world to us. Remember, this isn't just a blog; it's a community of fabulous, quirky, and cheeky individuals, just like you.

Let's continue celebrating life, one stylish step at a time. Contact us, connect with us, and keep spreading the positivity, because at "kissmypassion," we believe that life is a beautiful journey best traveled with a dash of humor, a pinch of style, and a whole lot of passion!

With love, laughter, and a virtual hug, The "kissmypassion" Crew

P.S. Don't forget to follow us on social media for your daily dose of inspiration and quirkiness! 😊💄🌟



Legal information regarding kissmypassion can be found on this Legal Information Page. It's all pretty basic. If you have any questions or requests you can send them to me by email.